Paul Hynes KC
  • Paul is an incredible silk.

    Chambers UK 2025, Crime

  • He is really good with judges and a real all-rounder.

    Chambers UK 2025, Crime

  • He is a go-to silk for serious complex trials and is one of the best jury advocates.

    Chambers UK 2025, Crime

  • Paul is a good advocate and a very compelling cross-examiner.

    Chambers UK 2025, Crime

  • Paul is undoubtedly one of the cleverest barristers at the criminal Bar, if not the cleverest. His intellect is extraordinary.

    Legal 500 2025, Crime

  • He is able to comprehend even the most complex areas of the law in a way that few others can, and then condense it in a way that makes sense to the layman.

    Legal 500 2025, Crime

  • His humour means that judges, juries and law clients, combined with his exceptional ability, warm to him.

    Legal 500 2025, Crime

  • Paul Hynes has one of the best brains at the Bar, and finds novel arguments in cases. 

    Chambers UK 2024, Crime

  • His advocacy is fluent and incredibly engaging and his cross-examination is devastating.

    Legal 500 2024, Crime

  • In a room full of silks, Paul will always stand out

    Legal 500 2024, Crime

  • Paul is frightening intelligent; he grasps complex legal issues with ease and simplifies these so that they can be presented to a client, court or jury in an easily comprehensible way

    Legal 500 2024, Crime

  • His advocacy is phenomenal, particularly his cross-examination of expert witnesses on the other side.

    Chambers UK 2023, Crime

  • He is both ferociously intelligent and appealing to juries.

    Chambers UK 2023, Crime

  • Paul is clever, witty and a class act.

    Legal 500 2023, Crime

  • An astute tactician who takes the sting out of the case with a dose of humour.

    Chambers UK 2022

  • Paul is almost frighteningly clever, but his major strength is that he is able to prevent that from becoming intimidating to juries, who love him.

    Legal 500 2022, Crime 

  • His ability to move seamlessly between high level legal submissions to senior judges, gaining the confidence of vulnerable defendants, and making accessible and compelling submissions to a jury, is incredibly impressive. There’s nothing he can’t do.

    Legal 500 2022, Crime 

  • He cross examines with "surgical precision". Paul has a razor-sharp mind and is able to recall the most minute detail instantaneously. 

    Chambers UK 2021

  • Paul is a courteous, engaging and extremely talented advocate with an amazing memory for detail. 

    Chambers UK

  • His cross-examination style is formidable but still extremely jury-friendly. He is able to refer confidently and accurately to the evidence that has been given without looking at any notes.

    Chambers UK 2020

  • Paul is a courteous and engaging leader who has a brilliant sense of humour. He is an extremely talented and precise advocate with an amazing memory for detail. Paul's cross-examination style is formidable but still extremely jury-friendly.

    Legal 500 2021

  • A free-flowing advocate who tests the Crown's case to its limits

    Legal 500 2020

  • Recommended as a leading Silk in crime.

    Chambers UK and  Legal 500

  • Brilliant in front of juries.

    Chambers UK

  • When he is in front of the judge, his reputation goes before him and his arguments are respected.

    Legal 500

  • Phenomenally intelligent and outstanding in terms of case preparation and cross-examination.

    Chambers UK

  • He is diligent and fights his corner well.

    Chambers UK

  • Clever, jury friendly & has good judgement as well as the light touch which is so important in terrorism cases.

    Chambers UK

  • Almost undeniably the most intelligent member of the Bar.

    Legal 500

Called 1987

Silk 2010

Paul Hynes KC


Defends in serious criminal cases including: bribery, company offences, confiscation, corruption, dishonesty, drugs, firearms, fraud, homicide, money laundering, prison disorder/escape, robbery and terrorism.

Almost undeniably the most intelligent member of the Bar; phenomenally intelligent and outstanding in terms of case preparation & cross-examination. He goes the extra mile for his clients.

Significant civil and common law experience particularly in actions against the police/Home Office. Considerable experience of white collar crime and regulatory offences.

Advises and acts for local authorities, public and private companies, charities, police officers, politicians and senior civil servants, lawyers, company officers and other professionals in connection with a wide range of matters.

Instructed in relation to other crime related work including: extradition, health and safety, judicial review, prisons, proceeds of crime and tax tribunals.

A regular author, broadcaster, commentator and lecturer on crime and criminal law related issues.

Has spoken on a variety of topics at numerous Sweet & Maxwell conferences, the annual Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime, the White Paper Conference on CHIS Evidence and the Lexis/Nexis Butterworths Criminal Law Summer School, and chaired the annual McKay Law Surveillance Conference.

Has written for Sweet & Maxwell, Legal Action Group and Jordans publications, the Criminal Law Review, Counsel magazine, Criminal Law and Justice Weekly and is a current contributor to the Lexis/Nexis PSL Bribery Toolkit.


  • "Paul is an incredible silk." Chambers UK 2025, Crime
  • "He is really good with judges and a real all-rounder." Chambers UK 2025, Crime
  • "He is a go-to silk for serious complex trials and is one of the best jury advocates." Chambers UK 2025, Crime
  • "Paul is a good advocate and a very compelling cross-examiner." Chambers UK 2025, Crime
  • "Paul is undoubtedly one of the cleverest barristers at the criminal Bar, if not the cleverest. His intellect is extraordinary. He is able to comprehend even the most complex areas of the law in a way that few others can, and then condense it in a way that makes sense to the layman. His humour means that judges, juries and law clients, combined with his exceptional ability, warm to him." Legal 500 2025 Crime
  • "Paul Hynes has one of the best brains at the Bar, and finds novel arguments in cases." Chambers UK 2024, Crime 
  • "Paul Hynes KC is regularly instructed in very serious, complex and high-profile criminal matters. He focuses his practice on criminal defence and regularly appears in heavyweight crime cases including those relating to terrorism, firearms and violent criminal offences." Chambers UK 2024, Crime 
  • "Paul is frightening intelligent; he grasps complex legal issues with ease and simplifies these so that they can be presented to a client, court or jury in an easily comprehensible way. His advocacy is fluent and incredibly engaging and his cross-examination is devastating. In a room full of silks, Paul will always stand out." Legal 500 2024, Crime
  • "An astute tactician who takes the sting out of the case with a dose of humour." Chambers UK 2022
  • Ranked in two categories of the 2019 Legal 500: Business and Regulatory Crime (including global investigations) and General Crime. Described as “Almost undeniably the most intelligent member of the Bar.” and  “It is clear that when he is in front of the judge, his reputation goes before him and his arguments are respected.”
  • Recommended as a leader in crime in Chambers and Partners 2019 as “Phenomenally intelligent and outstanding in terms of case preparation and cross-examination.” “He goes the extra mile for his clients.”
  • Has been described in previous editions as:  A diligent and "intellectually gifted barrister" regarded as being "excellent on the law" and "brilliant in front of juries." A "genuinely inspiring barrister" who is "clever, jury-friendly and has good judgement as well as the light touch which is so important in terrorism cases." "…fights his corner well." “fluent and articulate”; “tactically aware”, “bright and tenacious…” a “feisty and determined advocate”, an “extremely bright individual”, “Very hot on black letter law but also has a great jury manner”, “One of the most cerebral QCs”; “Intelligent and eloquent”; “always in command of the facts”, “Well regarded for the most intellectually challenging cases” and “A brain the size of Jupiter, without the matching ego”.

Articles & Publications

  • Co-author of International Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: A UK Perspective [December 2008, Sweet & Maxwell].
  • A contributor to Abuse of Process A Practical Approach [June 2006, Legal Action Group], second edition [February 2011, Jordans].
  • Occasional contributor to Criminal Law and Justice Weekly and Counsel magazine.

Associated Work

  • Delegate lecturer to the annual Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime at Jesus College.
  • Speaker at the White Paper Conference: Obtaining and Disclosing CHIS and Probe Evidence Lawfully and Skilfully.
  • Speaker at the Lexis/Nexis Butterworths Criminal Law Summer School at Emmanuel College Cambridge.
  • Speaker at the Sweet & Maxwell Conferences: The New Fraud Trial Model; Money Laundering Regulations, Are You at Risk? The Changing Face of Fraud Trials; and, The Coroners and Justice Act.
  • Chair and speaker at the Sweet & Maxwell Conference: The New Fraud Offences.
  • Chair of the McKay Annual Surveillance Conference: Bugging, Interception & the Death of the Key Principles.

Professional Memberships

  • Criminal Bar Association
  • Financial Services Lawyers Association
  • Legal Action Group
  • Liberty
  • Police Action Lawyers Group


  • BA (Hons.) Law; LLD (Hon.)